Preparation of project teams «Breakthrough»

Group organizer: Rostec Academy

The «Breakthrough» program is an educational intensive, conducted by the unique method of Rostec Academy.

Training in the program involves training using soft competencies that are in demand such as: work in cross-functional teams, effective cross-functional interaction, leadership, information management, systems thinking, presentation skills and etc.

What participants will face?

  • diagnostics and development of participants' competences (professional, personal and business, managerial competencies);
  • diverse communication environment (horizontal and vertical linkages, development of the system of mentoring and vehicle for the transfer of knowledge and experience).,
  • The development of high-demand projects (food, rationalization that increase operating efficiency and etc.).

The program includes demo-trainings, interactive lectures, master classes, flipped teaching and other training formats and competitive mechanisms.

The mechanics of the program involves working in cross-functional teams. Teams form their own work system and cooperation based on the knowledge gained, in a competitive environment develop a project on assignment and present the result to the expert group.

It is based on a project for solving innovative engineering problem, developing a total product lifecycle.

The program is oriented at young specialists with work experience in the field of industry, business, military-industrial complex, with high work capacity and internal motivation for career and professional development.

Preparation of project teams «Breakthrough».

[Number of participants: 80 human] [Applications submitted: 77] [Confirmed applications: 77]

Registration is closed