Shipborne systems and technologies

Group organizer: USC JSC

For increasing production of ships and vessels for various purposes is necessary to undertake a major upgrade modernization of production capacities, active digitalization of the industry, to increase productivity, to pay great attention to the development of the personnel potential, to pay great attention to the development of the personnel potential. These goals can be achieved only by highly qualified specialists. The educational program «Ship systems and technologies» was created to create such personnel.

The aim: participants' acquisition of theoretical knowledge and developing practical skills in shipbuilding and ocean engineering.

The education cluster includes:

  • Facilitation of teamwork among young people.
    A meeting with the leaders of the youth environment of USC JSC.
  • Special projects of USC JSC. Performance of top managers and mana
    gers of major USC projects about the experience in implementing complex technical projects.
  • Simulation of submarine construction processes.
    Process Factory of USC JSC. Unique training and simulation platform is designed for practicing teaching of technologies, lean principles and practices, mastery of production system skills.
  • Product lifecycle management.
    Practical module on lifecycle management of ship development and construction using modern technologies.
  • Project session.
    The scientific and technical activities of shipbuilding enterprises and opportunities for young scientists and specialists.

Shipborne systems and technologies.

[Number of participants: 46 human] [Applications submitted: 44] [Confirmed applications: 44]

Registration is closed