Air mobility

Group organizer: Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

The work of the group is aimed at gaining theoretical knowledge and development of practical skills in the field of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), further application of the received information with the direct involvement, programming and production of unmanned aerial systems. During training under the program participants get the opportunity to develop their professional skills and personal qualities (hard skills and soft skills accordingly).

The main target audience: students, employees of companies involved in the development, production and programming of unmanned aerial vehicles/ citizens of the Russian Federation, already having or studying in the technical specialties and motivated to obtaining practical knowledge and skills in UAS.

The aim of the program: development of professional competencies of engineers who is capable of designing, programming, maintaining and operating unmanned aircraft systems.

Work format: training is based on project logic and includes theoretical training within the framework of lectures of experts and practical training in groups of 5-10 people, including flight simulation training and flights on a small unmanned aerial vehicles The effectiveness of work in mini-groups is organized by moderators and tutors - experts in the field of unmanned aerial systems.

Experience in participating engineering and technical projects and works in the field of aircraft and other high-tech products or information technologies is desirable. Competences in the field of CAD (Computer-aided design) for designing simple mechanical structures or knowledge of the possibilities of 3D-printing of polymer products are welcome.

Air mobility.

[Number of participants: 24 human] [Applications submitted: 24] [Confirmed applications: 24]

Registration is closed